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Let’s start with Judge Clarence Thomas.
You’ve probably noticed the very aggressive move to dirty up Clarence Thomas. Chuck Schumer and Little Dick Durbin are in on it, as are some dark money lefty ‘watchdog’ groups and some complicit journos who have been playing stenographer with whatever stories the left have been feeding them. Long story short, they are trying to use Justice Thomas’s relationship with a billionaire buddy to accuse him of being on the take and compromised. There’s a LITTLE problem with that allegation. Two actually. First, everything they have complained about has fallen within the scope of the ethical rules allowed by the court at the time he did them. Second, the specific benefits they are trying to paint him as reciving are outstripped by the gifts some of his counterparts appointed by Dem Presidents. Remember Justice Breyer? He was GOOD friends with a certain Billionaire family from Illinois, and benefited richly from that friendship in terms of (among other things) air travel. (As reported by Open Secrets)Now let’s look at the recent debacle in Harvard.
You know how Harvard’s Claudine Gay found herself pressured to resign her role as President? Well, the same billionaire Illinois family referenced in the Justice Breyer story has connections to the Claudine Gay debacle. In fact, one of the family members — Penny — was directly involved in the hiring of Claudine Gay in the first place. She currently serves as a senior fellow at Harvard and Penny even led the search committee responsible for nominating Gay in the first place. Calls for Penny’s resignation have come from Harvard Alumni, but thus far, Harvard has been strongly resisting that push.Which brings us full circle back to Epstein
The news media has been shamelessly and baselessly connecing Trump’s name to the list of individuals who have been unmasked in the mostly unredacted Epstein trial documents. The context Trump’s name comes up is when the attorneys ask a series of questions about whether the witness had ever seen Trump at any of Epstein’s ‘party’ haunts. The witness plainly answered the series of questions indicating Trump had never been seen at those parties. But for the shameless attempts to smear Trump in this way, we might not have looked too carefully at this OTHER Epstein story. It, too, involved the billionaire heirs of the Hyatt hotel fortune who had proven themselves to be instrumental in Obama’s rise to power back in the day. The family with a relative in the Governor’s chair.The billionaire relatives, mainly Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and his sister Penny Pritzker, who formerly served as the secretary of commerce in the Obama administration, have funneled $23.3 million to Democratic committees over the past ten years, according to a Fox News Digital review of campaign finance records.
Breyer’s Pritzker-backed trips included two related to his post as a juror for the Pritzker Prize for Architecture, which honors architects yearly, OpenSecrets reported. Breyer became a juror for the group in 2011 before becoming its chair in 2018. — FoxNews
Directly implicated in the Epstein documents (which, we remind our readers, remains an unproven allegation at this point) is their cousin, Thomas. (Anyone confused by the relationships can look at the family tree, which can be found here.) In a deposition, Giuffre accused Thomas Pritzker, a Chicago businessman and Hyatt Hotels executive chairman, of serious sexual allegations, naming him as one of several men she was trafficked to have sex with.That’s not a quote you want floating around about you. Democrats STILL slap Trump around and call him a ‘rapist’ over that infamous Billy Bush Access Hollywood quote — even though that quote makes explicit reference to consent. Watch how quickly they come up with ‘due process’ excuses to NOT do the same thing to throw the (Democrat billionaire) Pritzker family under the bus. Don’t expect them to start beating any drums about the latest revelation about Bill Clinton allegedly ‘liking them young’, either. Leftist rage is reserved for Republicans, regardless of guilt or innocence. The post Dem Billionaire Family Figures In Epstein Story… AND Some OTHER Famous Scandals! appeared first on Clash Daily.Victim Virginia Giuffre states she slept with billionaire Tom Pritzker (another John Doe) "once"
Pritzker is a member of the prestigious Aspen Institute and Executive Chairman of Hyatt Hotels. hello @AspenInstitute — Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) January 4, 2024
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